Monday, September 10, 2007

Jack on the fire truck ride

Jack having a good time driving the fire truck. This was not the only time he was on this ride at the festival.

The Fam in Southampton on Labor Day Weekend

Bridgehampton Children's Museum

Jack and Mom sharing some ice cream at the East End Children's Museum. Too bad it was rubber. Who needs the calories anyway.

Jack at Bridgehampton Childrens Museum

Sir Isaac Newton, watch out. Jack is learning about gravity at the Childrens Museum in the Hamptons.

Jack on a choo-choo and space ship at East Northport Festival

Jack and Mom at Captree - Labor Day 2007

Mom and jack enjoying the last days of the summer of 2007 on a dock at Captree State Park. The same spot where Grandpa Jim was put to rest.

Dad & Jack at the East Northport Festival

Dad and Jack at the East Northport festival Friday September 7, 2007 around 7:30 p.m. while watching the concert with the band playing Jimmy Buffet tunes.